Wednesday, June 9, 2010

#5 Flickr

Hi, It has been a long time since the last post. I had difficulty logging on to this blog. Then I creat another blog address to post "homework". Today I find out I need to "login" in order to post my new blog. I immediate edit my profile.
Yayyyy, I finished #21 already, just has 2 to go. #22 and #23 on the list.
My "monitor staff", Kate probably don't like the idea of me "transfer" my "unauthorized" blog into this blog.
Well, I am trying to learn as much as I can. Some "Week" do take more than one hour to learn. Sometimes 3 hours for me.

Week 3: Photos & Images (#5, 6, 7) done in 4/28/2010
Flickr is just awesome.
I am just so excited to find the photo of the graveyard I visited often when I was in high school. I used to study there. It is a quite place to get away from the noise of the busy city, Hong Kong.
I upload the picture of my daughter holding a BIG fish that she catches into Flickr. I only share with my family, and not sharing with anyone.

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